Monthly News and Notes

Club News and Notes – October 2024

From the President

It was wonderful seeing all of the members who were able to attend the first meeting of the 2024-2025 club year on September 18th—I hope you enjoyed our new meeting location in downtown Haymarket. We had a very full agenda covering a multitude of upcoming events and activities and we also managed to allow for time to have a brief trivia game. The competition between tables was intense at times, and some of the questions were difficult. but I hope everyone had fun and learned a few things too.

The DWC Board has met twice this year, and we are all settling into our new roles. We appreciate all the advice and assistance that the outgoing Board members have provided to us during the transition— thank you for your tireless dedication to DWC for the last two or more years as part of the DWC leadership team.

As you read this month’s News and Notes, you will discover that our committees are busy supporting the community in a variety of ways and I encourage everyone to join at least one of our five community service program committees if possible. We also have several “special interest” programs such as the Finance, Communications and Public Relations, and Hospitality committees—contact me or another Board member for more information.

Being part of a committee and volunteering your time is so rewarding and you will get to know your fellow club members too!

Happy Fall and please remember the motto, “In a world where you can be anything….be kind.”

Nora Peterson



GFWC DWC is a 501 (c) (3) organization. The EIN is 64-0954588. Your contribution may be claimed as a charitable deduction for tax purposes. Please consult your tax consultant to determine the appropriate amount to deduct.