Monthly News and Notes

Club News and Notes – May 2024

From the President

It is hard for me to believe that 2 years have flown by and my term as president of Dominion Woman’s Club is coming to an end. It has truly been an honor and a privilege to serve in this capacity. I have felt such pride representing our club, and it has been a wonderful and enjoyable experience. The love and support I have received from all my DWC sisters as I have been on this journey will be a treasured memory. You helped me feel confident as I carried out my responsibilities, and I always knew you would be there to lend a helping hand when I really needed it. Additional thanks go out to the amazing ladies who have served on the board with me either my first or second year or both: Barb Garland, Sue Mork, Sharayu Tulpule, Elizabeth Laverty, Connie Loggans, Robin Clukey, Sarah Rudy, and Gale Goodwin. We were able to accomplish our goals and had a lot of fun and laughs along the way. Best wishes to Nora Peterson as she assumes the role of president next year, as well as to all the other 2024-25 board members. You will be an awesome leadership team!
I had the opportunity to attend the GFWC Virginia State Convention last month, and I am proud to say we had some DWC winners! In the state art contest, Robin Clukey was awarded two first place ribbons, Amy Scala was awarded a first-place ribbon, and Barb Garland was awarded a second-place ribbon. In the GFWC VA Health and Wellness “Step in Time” initiative, Barbara Murray and Sarah Rudy were named as being in the top ten of all participants in the whole state. Congratulations, ladies!
I hope to see many of you at our May 15 dinner meeting as we meet our scholarship winner, initiate our
new members, install our new board, and recognize membership milestones. I also hope you will join us
at Quattro Goombas on June 19 from 3-6 p.m. for an end of the year Happy Hour gathering. It will be a
fun opportunity to all be together before we get busy with our summer activities.

Rosemary Boettke



GFWC DWC is a 501 (c) (3) organization. The EIN is 64-0954588. Your contribution may be claimed as a charitable deduction for tax purposes. Please consult your tax consultant to determine the appropriate amount to deduct.